Monday, July 20, 2009

There's Always Room For Gelato

Buona cera!

Yesterday we realized that we're running out of time in Venice! We leave for Geneva tomorrow after class, we'll be gone all weekend, we get our final (take-home) on Tuesday which is due on Wednesday and leave for Nice on Friday!! So we figured we'd better start doing all the touristy things that we've been putting off!!!

First we stopped in some violin making exhibit. Lots of really old cellos, mandolins, etc etc. I don't know-- making memories I guess! Whatever, it was free.

Then it was off to the Basilica di San Marco! We've passed by it a million times but never felt like waiting on the line to get in. But like I said, time's a tickin'.

They had flags up for Redentore still

The Venetian lion between the Basilica and the Doge's Palace
That's a book under his paw, so I guess he can not only fly, but can read too! No wonder they love him here

Then we headed next door to the Palazzo Ducale (aka Doge's Palace).
The consensus among us: the Doge was a baller. The place was just completely over the top extravagant. Mom- I'm sure you love that place!

The Doge's private gondola, pimp-my-ride style

Jill got caught taking a picture of a chastity belt. I was a little sneakier taking this picture of the ceiling in the ballroom.

Today we had a class trip to the Peggy Guggenheim to hear a speaker on Non-Profits.

The Guggenheim is literally next door to our house.

After the speaker we just walked around the museum for a while. A few really good pieces, but I didn't "get" a lot of it. Especially their special exhibit 'Gluts', which is pieces of rusty, twisted scrap metal welded together... yeah, a few with stop signs....

This this was really cool.
It was just glass and mirrors but when you walked around it there was a weird optical illusion where you got very confused about it's shape.
(leave it to me to be impressed with the art that most resembles a carnival trick)

So like I said, Geneva tomorrow!!

We are going to hear a few speakers and get a tour of the UN, then we go to (or hear from--I have no idea) the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights, and then on Thursday go to the Center for International Environmental Law. It all sounds cool so hopefully it's interesting!

Hope everyone is doing well at home.

Miss you all!
Wish you were here!

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